English(same as 熬) to extract by applying heat, to cook; to stew or simmer康熙字典【亥集下】【麥字部】?
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Englisha small round piece of distiller's grains or yeast康熙字典【亥集下】【麥字部】?
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《廣韻》符支切《集韻》頻彌切,??音陴?!队衿芳?xì)餠麴。《揚(yáng)子·方言》麴也。北燕謂麴曰??!稄V韻》麪餠。 又《集韻》賔彌切,音??。義同。
English(same as 麷) to boil or stew wheat, to simmer ferment for brewing, (interchangeable 豐) various kinds of rush from which mats, bags, etc. are made; vines of the rushes康熙字典【亥集下】【麥字部】?
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《正字通》同麷?!?漢 典 網(wǎng)】
English(same as 餅) cakes; biscuits; pastry康熙字典【亥集下】【麥字部】?
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Englishcakes; cookies; biscuits; pastries; dumplings康熙字典【亥集下】【麥字部】?
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《廣韻》蒲口切《集韻》薄口切,??音部?!队衿???,餠也。 又《集韻》薄沒切,音孛。義同。
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《唐韻》昨哉切《集韻》牆來切,??音才。《說文》餠??也。《揚(yáng)子·方言》?,麴也。晉之舊都曰?,今江東人呼麴爲(wèi)?。 又《集韻》將來切,音哉。義同。【 漢 典 網(wǎng)】
Englishto extirpate; to level off; to pare barley康熙字典【亥集下】【麥字部】?
·康熙筆畫:19 ·部外筆畫:8
《廣韻》初限切《集韻》初諫切,??音鏟?!队衿?麥也?!稄V韻》穀麥?也。 又《集韻》楚限切,音剗。義同。
● 麨
chǎo ? ㄔㄠˇ
◎ 炒的米粉或面粉,一種干糧:“朝出移秧夜食麨?!?/div>
·康熙筆畫:21 ·部外筆畫:10
《唐韻》昨何切《集韻》才何切,??音醝?!墩f文》?麥也?!队衿芬辉粩F也?!稄V韻》穀麥淨(jìng)也。 又《集韻》阻氏切,音?。義同。
● 麷
fēng ? ㄈㄥˉ
◎ 炒熟的麥子。
◎ 蒲草:“午其軍,取其將,若撥麷?!?/div>