  • 老子道德經(jīng)(英譯本)Lao Tze 16. Decay and Renewal

    作者: 《Lao Tze》李耳
    Empty the self completely;
    Embrace perfect peace.
    The world will rise and move;
    Watch it return to rest.
    All the flourishing things
    Will return to their source.

    This return is peaceful;
    It is the flow of nature,
    An eternal decay and renewal.
    Accepting this brings enlightenment,
    Ignoring this brings misery.

    Who accepts nature’s flow becomes all-cherishing;
    Being all-cherishing he becomes impartial;
    Being impartial he becomes magnanimous;
    Being magnanimous he becomes natural;
    Being natural he becomes one with the Way;
    Being one with the Way he becomes immortal:
    Though his body will decay, the Way will not.