bù zì liàng
  • 拼 音:bù zì liàng
  • 注 音:ㄅㄨˋ ㄗㄧˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ
  • 繁體字:
  • 基本解釋

    ◎ 不自量 bùzìliàng
    [overrate one’s abilities] 過高地估計自己

  • 英文翻譯

    1.not take a proper measure of oneself; overrate one's own abilities; do sth. beyond one's ability or strength; overconfident; be unaware of one's own limitations [impotence; weaknesses]; go beyond one's depth; kick against the pricks; not to estimate properly one's own power; not to know one's own limits; overrate oneself; put a quart into a pint pot; undertake what is beyond one's power

  • 詳細解釋

    不能正確地估計自己的力量。 漢 趙曄 《吳越春秋·夫差內(nèi)傳》:“孤少失前人,內(nèi)不自量,與 吳 人戰(zhàn),軍敗身辱,遁逃,上棲 會稽 ,下守海濱,唯魚鱉見矣?!?宋 梅堯臣 《依韻和晏相公》:“誠知不自量,感涕屢揮摻?!?清 和邦額 《夜譚隨錄·維揚生》:“君書生之見,妄詆英雄,毋乃不自量乎?”