wǔ jiǎng sì měi sān rè ài
  • 拼 音:wǔ jiǎng sì měi sān rè ài
  • 注 音:ㄨˇ ㄐㄧㄤˇ ㄙㄧˋ ㄇㄟˇ ㄙㄢ ㄖㄜˋ ㄞˋ
  • 繁體字:
  • 基本解釋

    我國全民文明禮貌活動的內(nèi)容。詳“ 五講四美 ”、“ 三熱愛 ”。

  • 英文翻譯

    1.the movement of five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves(The five stresses are: stress on decorum, manners , hygiene, discipline and morals. The four points of beauty are: beauty of the mind, language, behavior adn the en